It's All About Coco

It's All About Coco
The Love Of Our Life

Thursday, May 27, 2010

First trip to Provincetown

We made our first road trip to Provincetown. Coco was a real trooper for the first 4 hours. She got a little tired of being in her car seat for the last hour. One the way home we got stuck in traffic and then Coco was really unhappy. We had a terrific weekend and love Grammy's new place! It is perfect.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

3 Month Checkup

May 4 was Coco's three month birthday! She had her three month checkup at the Doctor and all was great. She has been in perfect health (knock on wood) and is eating and sleeping like a star. She weighed in at 15 lbs 12 oz and was 24.5 inches long. That would put her in the 98th percentile for weight and around 90th for height.
She usually goes to bed around 7pm. She generally wakes up once sometime between 1-4 has something to eat and then crashed for a few more hours until 5-7am. We couldn't ask for a better baby. She is very good at settling herself. At first, we would need to rock her to sleep and wait until she was completely out until we put her in her crib. If we put her down too early and she wasn't totally asleep, she would start crying. Now she is on a much better pattern were she might complain for a few seconds, but then crash immediately.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Letter Published in Journal News

The Westchester Journal News picked up our letter below and ran it in the April 30th edition! The article also included a great pic of the three of us. Here is the link below: