It's All About Coco

It's All About Coco
The Love Of Our Life

Friday, July 29, 2011

Shout out to Coco!

Senator Oppenhiemer gives Coco a shout out!

Blurb in

We were very honored to have state Senator Suzi Oppenheimer attend our wedding. She fought tirelessly for the Marriage Equality Bill including co-sponsoring the original bill.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit us in Fire Island for Memorial Day weekend. It was one of the first beach weekends for us with great weather. As with most people that she doesn't see on a daily basis, it took a little while for Coco to warm up to Grandma and Grandpa, but she was holding court in no time.

One of the routines at the beach is Coco's and Nene's early morning long walk on the beach. We usually stop by the Winterling/Peck residence and Eric and Casey (Nene's "cousin" from the same breeder) join us. Nene loves to chase that miniature tennis ball in her mouth.

Beach walk #2 of the day with Grandma.

Coco holding court on the beach with Grandma and Grandpa. Mr. Michael and Mr. John in the background.

Sitting on our back patio after lunch. This was one of Coco's last opportunities to grab Daddy's hair!! Victor cut his dreads off the following week.

"If you're happy and you know it..." is a big hit with Coco. It is sure to get her giggling. Grandma is clearly on the "shout hooray!" stanza.