Grammy Fraley made her first trip out to Los Angeles in the beginning of April. We were a little nervous that Coco would not connect with Grammy since she had not seen her since Christmas and there was not a lot of one-on-one time. Coco can be a bit standoffish with people she does not see on a daily basis. Grammy also broke her foot and had a cast and we were all a bit concerned that she would get scared by the cast and cane.

Our fears were unfounded. The trip was a huge success! Coco and Grammy were connected at the hip.
The photo on the left is Coco Grammy and Nene playing in Coco's room. I love the way they are both staring at her so intently.
The massive roses in our front yard were in full bloom. I caught Grammy and Coco taking a sniff. This was the morning of Easter Sunday.

We headed down to Venice Beach to catch some rays. In the pic in the near right, Mom was reenacting a photo from the 70's where Grampy was walking on the curb with all of his grandkids in Provincetown. She managed to navigate the curb even with her boot on!!
Luckily for us, Coco loves the beach!