Happy One Month Coco!!!
Coco was one month old yesterday. We definitely understand what people say when they say "they grow up so fast"! We look at pictures from the birth and she seems so much older and bigger than just a month ago. Part of me wants to stop the clock and keep her this adorable, chunky, cooing little sentient being, but at the same time, I am very excited to watch her grow. It is amazing to see the small changes in her behaviour and responsiveness that occurs every day. We are incredibly grateful that we have not had one health issue in her entire first month (knock on wood!)
One thing that I had not internalized was the impact that Coco would have on our family and many people around her. Not only did we gain a daughter, our parents got a new granddaughter, our nephew got a new cousin, our brothers and sisters got a new neice, etc... I did not expect our nephew Ben to be so excited about Coco's arrival. He was such an angel around her!!
Grandpa and Grammy Fraley have stopped by to visit. Grandma Fraley was feeling a little under the weather and decided to postpone the visit, be she will be here for easter. Granny Self is coming to visit on Monday for a week!

Grandpa and Ben came to visit

Tummy time with Coco and Nene

Grammy Fraley showed up at the door at 7am the morning after we got back from LA. She must have left Hartford by 5 to get there! lol...

I love this pic becuase it looks like she is Cheerleading just like her Daddy.