Coco had been a very good sleeper since birth, sometimes sleeping as much as 12 hours from 6:30 pm to 6:30 am, but she started going backwards a bit over the summer waking up a 2-3 times during the night. We think this may have been due to staying in Fire Island and maybe she was not used to her surroundings. When we got back to Rye we decided some dreaded sleep training was in order. The first night was a little rough. She woke up around midnight started crying. We practiced the Ferber Method where you go in every 12 minutes and just put your hand on her to sooth her, but do not pick her up out of the crib. That went on for about 1.5 hours, but then she slept until 5:30 or so. The next night it went on for about 30 minutes, but the crying was a bit more extreme. The third night was a little less and by the end of the week, she was pretty much back to sleeping through the night. Let's hope that keeps up!!

She is starting to look like such a little girl!!

She has two teeth on her bottom jaw. You can see them in this pic.

My father's cousins in Missouri and Minnesota made her this beautiful seersucker dress. We have received so much love and support from our family and extended family. We have never met Dee or Paula, but they sent us a huge care package filled with wonderful gifts for her. Seersucker is definitely the look this season...very chic!!

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