She has about 10 words that she uses pretty regularly. Dada, Nene, Bye bye, night night, baba (bottle). Our favorite is her use of the word "hot". We originally used the word to dissuade her from touching the light bulb at the desk lamp in her room. Now she uses it to refer to any source of light. She will point to any light fixture, or the sun, and say "hot"! Our least favorite word in her vocabulary is "NO", which she has unfortunately mastered at a young age.
Last week Coco went to two birthday parties. One was at the Little Gym in Scarsdale where she got to play on the mats. Not easy to navigate the mats in skinny jeans. Next time Daddies will dress her in sweats.

For the most part, Coco has a great appetite. She could eat fruit all day long (grapes and blueberries especially). Although she is a little more picky when it comes to veggies and meats. She much prefers to feed herself. At the birthday party last week, she grabbed the piece of pizza and started chomping down.

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