We couldn't ask for a better baby. She eats well, sleeps well (most of the time) and is generally a very happy little girl. She isn't a whiner and makes her needs pretty clear so that us first time Dads don't have to spend too much time scratching our heads and wondering what the heck she needs or what that cry means. From the stories we've hear from other parents, we realize that WE ARE LUCKY!!!!! That said, we've also been cautioned that our little angel may switch things up on us at any moment so we are just enjoying exactly where we are right now and not worrying too much about what could/couldn't happen in the future.
The biggest adjustment for me (Victor) so far has been being trapped in the house. Now, before you brake out your violins or start offering to come over to offer me babysitting services, let me tell you that we DO have a baby nurse on hand 6 days a week. So, in reality, I could leave more or less as much as I want but this strange thing has happened since Coco was born that makes me not want to go anywhere despite wanting to go out and get things done!? Know what I mean? If you're puzzled, don't worry, you're not alone. It's a paradoxical feeling...you want to get out and do things but some switch in your psyche has been turned and you just can't. Even with a very qualified professional sitter on hand, I feel like I have to be at home or else who knows what could happen! It's crazy but nevertheless the way I feel (maybe you can relate). Also, on the day that our nurse is off (mid Tuesday - mid Wednesday), I really can't leave...not even to walk the dog! Thank goodness that Chris takes care of that for me before he heads off to work. So, for 24- hours, I get cozy in my sweats and bandanna and spend lots of time doing laundry, working on the computer, reading magazines (I actually re-read US weekly yesterday!!!), snacking, doing crunches on the floor, playing with NeNe....oh yeah and taking care of Coco!
For someone like me who is completely accustomed to coming and going as I please, this is quite an adjustment. In some ways it feels great to be "trapped" in the house. I mean it's nice not running all over the place all the time and I love our home so that makes it a great experience. Plus, I get to do fun things like call Chris at work and say "could you stop by the store and pick up some jelly beans for me, I can't get out to get them myself"... LOL! Still it's an adjustment that I'm getting use to it BUT the payoff....being able to spend all day with Coco...is SOOOOOOOOO worth it!
Our little angel is waking up so I'm off....